Premium Direct
Distant Premium Servicing
Premium Direct Advantages
Personal Manager
The Personal Manager is a professional, who is your point of contact in the bank for all issues. Via an e-mail or phone he will find the most suitable solution to your current financial tasks and will professionally advise you on how to achieve your long term financial plans.
Priority Servicing
Premium Direct Clients are guaranteed fast servicing. All the clients' questions and requests are reviewed as soon as possible. Your Distant Personal Manager will inform you on the bank's special offers and promotions, deliver important information, provide reminders about your deposit or card maturity date.
Individual Premium Telephone Line
A Premium Direct Client can enjoy several communication channels with the bank at any convenient time: if required, you can call your manager over the phone or contact via email. Additionaly, you will have a 24 hour access to the individual 24/7 Premium Line of Priorbank Contact Center.
Distant Servicing of Finances
You can distantly manage your accounts and cards using the expanded opportunities of the Internet-Banking and Mobile-Banking systems.
Delivery of Bank Cards and Documents by a Courier
Now, your financial tasks can be solved faster and without visiting the bank. Contact your personal manager and receive your correspondence with the bank by a courier.
Financial Diagnostics
Financial Diagnostics this is the method to determine your financial potential determination, i.e. your capabilities to implement such important tasks as creation and saving of capital, receiving of new loans without excessive complexities, assets protection and ensuring a decent future. To undergo the diagnostics, you will need to answer several simple questions, after which your personal manager will be adle to analyze your current financial situation and determine ways to improve it.
Premium Banking Products and Services
Exclusive Premium Banking products and services are the key to achieving your targets while providing beneficial opportunities. Your Personal Manager will offer you an individual set of banking products that are the most suitable to your interests and expectations.